Wave Sweeper / Serenity
Also known as Dave's folly! - The complete restoration of a 1960's MArk 2 Wooden Silhouette with no idea of how to go about it or whether I even like to sail!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

Took off the Mast Support so I could fit my new Tarp without ripping it and oh boy is the cabin roof on its last legs.
Fitted the new tarp - Should have videoed it - I would be getting 1000s of hots a day on this blog with that. Lets just say the only single sensible thing I did was attach a rope between one corner of the Tarp and the trailer before I unpacked the tarpauling and let the wind get at it! 7m x 5m of ripstop nylon makes for a very large and noisy flag.
Thanks to the passer by who admired my trailer... That makes 4 people now - I feel a little like a bride might feel if the guests commented on how nice the limousine she arrived in looked!! (and thanks again John - it's much admired)