Only boat I've ever heard of that needs bailing out in dry dock....
Wave Sweeper / Serenity
Also known as Dave's folly! - The complete restoration of a 1960's MArk 2 Wooden Silhouette with no idea of how to go about it or whether I even like to sail!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Smooth "sailing" all the way to Balloch for the pickup...NOT!
9:20am How is it possible that they have shut the A91 at Auchtermuchty and have sod all diversion signs?
10:10am Ace trailer - Thanks John - But even after adjusting its ~5-10cm too narrow for the measurements Steven made off his boat - Dilema - we're late already - do we carry on or double back to Stevens for an angle grinder in case we need to do some "modifications" - modifications wins out.....
10:30am A marathon going through the main street - What are the chances that a) this should happen on a dreary Sunday morning and b) we should be 10 seconds too late to be at the front and therefore are lead car at the back.
11:45am Whats that noise? - Oh - where is my jockey wheel?
But Finally....
12:15pm Hi Derek - Thanks for being so patient - Sorry we've not been having much luck today - What? YOU THINK THE BOATS GOT A CENTRE KEEL!!?##.... This day could be heading quickly down the toilet.
Lady Luck enters stage left....
[1] It's not a centre keel
[2] It's floating
[3] We're here
Two hours later with much help from Derek - Thanks again - she's in the trailer and out of the water.
Mast down for the journey and a shake of hands with Derek and she's mine. [Thanks for the third time Derek].
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Contacted out of the blue by good school friend of my dad, Jimmy, to say that he has an idea for where I could store the boat for a while as a temporary measure - Another school friend, Ian, has a stable at Blebo - He has contacted him and it would be okay for up to a month..
Excellent .... I have my plan B .... Thanks Dad,Jimmy and Ian/Norma - Very kind and Much Appreciated
Monday, March 13, 2006
An email arrives from Tayport Harbour Trust - John has kindly contacted the secretary who emails me to explain that I need to fill in an application for the waiting list and put my request for a hard standing in a covering letter which will be discussed at the next board meeting on 8th April. No guarantees fo a place then..... mmmm
Action - Fill in the forms and send them
Then - Need plan B in case it all goes pear shape......
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Steven get's in touch to say he has a friend with a Trailer for sale - perfect for my boat. Now all I need is somewhere to put it. I email (trailer) John and he kindly offers to store my boat for a couple of weeks if I'm stuck - Thanks John .....
The plan is now afoot....
Boat - Check;
Trailer - Check;
Place to put it - Well for two weeks anyway - it's plenty for starters.
Monday, March 06, 2006

Stage 1: Ignore
Stage 2: What if ..
Stage 3: Ask Steven for more info..... the slippery path...
Steven sends me this photo - He's luring me in...... It floats, it's wooden, it's free, it's a challenge.
Where would I put it? What sort of work is involved?
I know, I'll phone my friend John Amson - He's got a boat and might know what to do - Always a pleasure to speak with John and he leaves me with a warm feeling that if I can get a hardstanding at a harbour then it might be not just a DIY superchallenge but a chance to meet likeminded people and have some fun.... Decision taken....
Steven sets the date for Sunday 19th March and I hold my breath.